VideoBoxMEN member says...0+0-0Needs a swallow tag. She swallows what ends up in her mouth (most of it).
VideoBoxMEN member says...+2+2-0Terrible camera work in this one, and crappy editing. At one point, you see a dude walk around in the scene and he stays there while they keep fucking.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+2+4-2Missing a squirting tag, there's quite a bit from both (as you might expect). The beginning with just the two girls is pretty sexy for a girl-girl scene.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+3+3-0Same as Don't Tell Mommy #9, Scene 1. Do they really not remember what scenes they put on the earlier discs in the series?
VideoBoxMEN member says...+8+8-0This is the fifth time this scene is posted here. Previously: Sex Ed Teachers In Heat #1, Scene 2, Extremely Sexy Milfs, Scene 5, Intensitivity #5, Scene 3, and Brunettes #2, Scene 2.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+3+3-0This was posted a few weeks ago as My Favorite Babysitters #3, Scene 2. That other one was a bit longer and included a pretty bizarre dildo attack at the beginning.