VideoBoxMEN member says...+11+12-1I love sasha-- again, another great scene-- atta girl. keep up the good work.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+11+19-8I think this is a great scene-- bad boob job and all. So, they aren't perfect-- you are a porn addict and prolly couldn't score with a chick half as good looking.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+8+17-9Blossom and Manu Ginobili hooking up.... who'da thought?
VideoBoxMEN member says...+1+4-3Minus scene one with eddie "awwwhhh yeah" munster, a pretty good vid!!!!
VideoBoxMEN member says...+15+17-2Great scene-- DL w/out hesitation.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+17+24-7Nothing wrong with the chick, but I hate eddie munster going, "awwwh, yeahh.... awwwwh, yeahhh.... awwwwh...." Shut the hell up!!!!
VideoBoxMEN member says...-16+24-40This chick just doesn't do it for me. Never has. Not that she's ugly, she's just ordinary looking-- but she seems to think that she's hot. If you are going to have an ordinary looking girl, fine, but don't pretend that you are anything more than you are. Mikey-- only if she was an amputee and transexual. Seriously, everybody has a porn star that just doesn't do much for them-- and maybe then a porn star that you like that nobody else really cares for.