VideoBoxMEN member says...+14+21-7If I wanted to listen to crap music, I'd do to a site to download music I WANT to hear, not the s--- you get with this clip! Where do the porno directors get the idea the viewer wants music with the clip????? I paid for sex, not music, get it?????? This clip is crap!!!
VideoBoxMEN member says...+35+40-5Here we go agian. Penis in rectum or vagina. Sounds good, except that's all you see. Porno producers, directors and cameramen are obsessed with 'close ups', thus ruining any erotic views.
VideoBoxMEN member says...-3+9-12I give up. These people will never get it. I have one question. Since when is plastic in rectum or vagina erotic? I would have loved to see the expression on the models' face or the position of her legs, or the movement of her pelvis...or anything remotely involving the model's demonstration of pleasure. The viewer gets screwed again, just so the cameraman can be a part of the action!!!
VideoBoxMEN member says...-12+3-15Again, it's plastic in vagina. Who's vagina, who's plastic is anybodys' guess. The 'close-up' strikes again.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+5+6-1Again, the over use of the close up. As a viewer I want to see the models reactions. I want to see the position of her legs, the facial expression, pelvic thrust, her body positon. But of course, the camera is somewhere else, like inches from the subject!!
VideoBoxMEN member says...+8+10-2The models were beautiful and the actions was great. But, as with 75% of all pornos the close up is overused. the viewer can't see the action or the models reactions when the camera is inches away from the subject!!!