VideoBoxMEN member says...+2+2-0AKA Dasani Lezian... If you like this hot chick MUST check out Amateur POV #1; Scene 3
VideoBoxMEN member says...+1+2-1I'm carefully not banging down ericxtz. He might be right - at least for wrong reason... This chick which decided once to give up all that hair care hassle, is going by "Sinead" or "C.J." indeed in various websites or movs (not found on this site by name yet but for sure in your preferred www pornstar index)... One question left - not easy to find the proper category for my DL...Can we trust "Brunette"? - How did they found out? Eyebrows? - Guess I should put her on "athletes" for now to go ahead. Check out her six-pack. I love it!