VideoBoxMEN member says...-9+3-12mongrosbec you would fuck a snake if someone hold it's mouth open!!!if you are real man she'll swallow no matter what.She did a good job but she's not that cute!and it's hard to fuck an ugly chick,especially when your not DRUNK!!!real MEN feel me-holla back!
VideoBoxMEN member says...-62+10-72ok,mongrosbec!she handle her bizz!!and took da jizz!!all I'm sayin is that she looks like a man!small tits are like small dicks and I can tell by your comment you still tryin to figure out why yo dick stop growing at the age of 10!ain't nothin like a set of nice tits on a fine bitch!but you would probably like to fuck this ugly chick cause you don't get any action besides your hand!
VideoBoxMEN member says...-9+4-13not bad but when are we gonna get some better looking girls!?!?