VideoBoxMEN member says...+5+9-4I think Audrey should push the envelope as far as it can possibly be pushed.....perhaps by TAKING COCK IN HER PUSSY...that Ronald McDonald-lookin' bitch !!!!
VideoBoxMEN member says...-14+6-20Claire has attractive feet. I would rather see her feet than those 4 inch pumps.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+11+21-10I concur. Protracted sphincters, throat gagging and the crude placement of cutlery into the lower anal orifice may excite the most jaded perverts - or most Senators (if they were gay scenes, of course) - however there are some of us that have less discerning tastes.
VideoBoxMEN member says...-8+2-10I just vomited in my own mouth - and regurgitated my curried dinner.
VideoBoxMEN member says...+21+28-7Hillary has the sweetest little pooper. It looks like a little puffy donut, and sweeter than honey.