VideoBoxMEN member says...-127+19-146I don't know what to do! So indecisive! I need a fellow masturbator to tell me if it's been on the site previously! Actually, I think I'll just d/l it and make my own decisions! How novel! edit: please, freeskier, explain how this is a luxury? some jackass informing me if a scene has been included in a set before? wh-why is that a luxury? who needs it? Get a clue and make decisions for yourself. And you should take your own advice and shut up your damn self. Bitch. edit#2, I should have known vbxmem would throw his two cents in. To be honest with you, I don't even care what ropey does. Frankly, I'm tired of seeing all the sycophantic ass kissing and fellating for this guy. Why can't you just make the determination yourself? The site is HUGE, of course it stands to reason there are going to be repeats. Why I have to read all this sickening adulation while my point of view is suppressed is beyond me. And, no, I'm not envious. That remark had me rolling.
VideoBoxMEN member says...-59+7-66I'd download anyway, but Im not into lesbo scenes.
VideoBoxMEN member says...-63+9-72another nautica thorn for my collection. backup copy I 'spose.