VideoBoxMEN member says...-57+0-57Another typical white-chick vid with a woman that has bad make-up and an avg body at best --- but hey --- you have to have some filler in a movie --- and out-of-work chicks need employment too.
VideoBoxMEN member says...-11+0-11Once again, the problem being, that you have pretty females that are doing the Girl/Girl action --- but it lacks just that --- action. These clips would get far better raves if they would just include strap-ons like a good Lesbian flick is suposed to --- that way, not only are the fems finally getting something out of the deal, the asexual nature in terms of viewer gratification can be felt by both sides of the aile, and thus, you'd sell more vid feeds ( and customers).
VideoBoxMEN member says...+10+10-0Lori...Lori...Lori. Aside from the off-beat make-up, the woman has a solid chocolate body that would pretty much satfisfy most people's needs --- this is a pretty good clip, worthy of some 2nd and 3rd watching sessions.