VideoBoxMEN member says...-8+1-9Butterface.
VideoBoxMEN member says...-1+1-2If you paint your nails,great....if you paint your nails and your a man you should be banned from fucking woman,or at least the nice looking ones.
VideoBoxMEN member says...-10+0-10The fuckhead didnt ask at all. It ends with an exclamation point. Its only manners to say "could you" and "please"...ok dopey. Also,stop pulling your cock for 2 secs and get a sense of humor.
VideoBoxMEN member says...-23+1-24Hey "DaBadAss",not sure if you know,but theres this fucking awesome new thing i discovered,it was developed by the US military......its called the "internet",try and find what your looking for there,its awesome!!